New School Events

Language Day Celebrations

Language plays a vital role in the construction of meaning. It empowers the learner and provides an intellectual framework to support conceptual development and critical thinking. As a bilingual school, we believe that language learning is essential for holistic education. Children are not only learning a language, but they are learning through language and learning about language. In addition, these components develop a child’s thinking processes and enrich their personal identity. Our school celebrates its cultural diversity and multilingualism through the establishment of Language Day Celebrations. We celebrate the different languages taught at New School and organise cultural events that show the importance of multilingualism and the richness of each of these languages through music, art, poetry, cuisine, theatre and film.


International Day

Students, teachers and parents come together to enthusiastically celebrate New School’s diversity. Different tables are set up to represent the cultures, traditions and cuisines of the different members of our school community. Dancing and singing also enhance the fun of an extremely enjoyable day. The inaugural flag parade representing all the different nationalities present at New School and sets the tone for an eventful day. Through food, dance, music and other fun filled activities the entire school witness the colourful diversity of the world.

Peace Day

In today’s world the attainment of Peace in the true sense of the term has become all the more relevant, especially when we see the innumerable conflicts and acts of inexplicable violence all across the globe. In order to commemorate the occasion of International Peace Day, the students of New School participate in various events. Students, alongside the school community, make a remarkable effort to spread the message of global peace and brotherhood. The message of peace and love is an integral part of advisory lessons and art classes throughout the year. Students appreciate the fact that, peaceful co-existence is not limited to a one-day celebration and all of us should constantly strive to achieve and sustain universal peace and brotherhood.

COATS (Clothing Others Against the Snow)

It has been rightly said that charity begins at home, and we, the New School family, would like to think no differently. Every year students from several schools of Tbilisi participate in organising the charity event COATS. New School takes pride in announcing that our DP students are active participants during this collaborative event. They collected warm clothes, shoes, toys and books that are distributed among the children. This instils the act of giving within students, and also makes them appreciate what they have in life.

Winter Fair

Each year the Student Council, with the help of teachers, the PTO and DP students organise the Winter Fair. A charity event for approximately 30 children from special homes. All the students in the school actively participate in providing gifts for the event. The PTO members participate enthusiastically and support the students with organisation. The visiting children participate in various fun activities and return home with Christmas presents and gifts for themselves and their friends. Such events are a self-realization of sorts for our students because it makes them realise the importance of what they have and instils in them feelings of compassion and altruism.

Math Week

Math Week at New School brings out the investigative side of our students. Working on mathematical puzzles, attending presentations, taking part in hands-on challenging and engaging activities, students develop a growth mindset and joy and appreciation for mathematics.
Book Week: Book Week is a time for upper school students to foster an interest in reading and gain exposure to the fascinating world of global art and literature. Students are involved in bringing to life the various characters of literature and poetry from different parts of the world.

Literacy Month

Literacy Month is a time for elementary students to experience and celebrate literacy by taking part in a variety of fun and engaging activities and events. During Literacy Month students will take part in a character parade, read-a-thon, writing competitions, literacy games during recess, buddy reading a book swap and special guest visitors.

New School Graduation

Every year New School students graduate from High School (Diploma Programme and Georgian section Grade 12) and Elementary School (Grade 5). These celebrations mark the beginning of their journey into a wider domain where they will have an opportunity to pursue their goals.

Building a diverse community of lifelong learners who are prepared to make a difference in an ever changing world.


+ 995 577 18 91 27

35 Tskneti Highway 0162, Bagebi, Tbilisi, Georgia

General Information:

English Department: + 995 32 225 70 79

Georgian Department: +995 32 223 17 28